Rev. Dr. Ruth H. Smalt - Senior Pastor

Rev. Dr. Ruth Herron Smalt
Rev. Dr. Ruth Herron Smalt, Senior Pastor of Siesta Key Chapel, joyfully served God’s people on the island of Nantucket, MA 30 miles out to sea, for over six years at the historic First Congregational Church, circa 1711. She was delighted to join in celebrating God’s activity at Siesta Key Chapel in 2020.
A Master of Divinity graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, Rev. Dr. Ruth Herron Smalt holds a Ph.D. from Fordham University in Educational Administration and Supervision. Ruth has served at The Brick Presbyterian Church in Manhattan as seminarian minister; as chaplain at Greenwich Hospital (CT); and as chaplain in the Rocky Mountains of Estes Park, Colorado with A Christian Ministry in the National Parks. Prior to ordained ministry in the PC(USA), Ruth enjoyed careers in education (adjunct professor, teacher and coach), and as an Executive Director for non-profits.
A cradle Presbyterian, Rev. Dr. Ruth Herron Smalt was blessed to grow up in the vibrant faith communities of The Rye Presbyterian Church (NY) and Camps Farthest Out Christian Camps & Conferences. She is active in volunteer work, community life, and all things outdoors. Pastor Ruth recently finished up as Moderator of the Presbytery of Southern New England. She continues to speak at Christian conferences across the country.
Ruth’s three grown daughters and their families loved visiting her on the windy and beautiful beaches of Nantucket, and now enjoy worshipping in SKC’s God’s Tree House and enjoying the beaches of Siesta Key on their visits from Nashville, TN, Rye, NY and Portland, Oregon.
Her contagious passion for knowing and serving Jesus in community is evidenced in her life theme, “Alive, Alert, Awake, Enthusiastic!” illustrating her belief that we are all called to be active participants in Christ’s kingdom. Pastor Ruth welcomes members, friends and visitors to become active in the vibrant faith community of Siesta Key Chapel.