Explore Our Events

Monthly Calendar

Each Sunday at 9:30am

Fellowship Hall

Coming Up:

March 23rd
Rev. Melana Scruggs, General Presbyter
“Heresies and Truths of the Resurrection”

March 30th and April 6th
Dr. Chris Cortman
“Anxiety: Biblical and Psychological Truths”

Coffee and Bakery provided.

Chapel on the Beach - Passing the Peace

Sunday March 30, 2025

Fourth Sunday in Lent: Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

Sermon:“Rejoicing in Heaven”

Chapel on the Beach at 9am

Worship in the Chapel at 10:30am

Chapel on the Beach shuttle leaves SKC parking lot at 8:30am

Pastor’s Bible Study

“Faith Seeking Understanding:
Call to Discipleship”
One Wednesday/month
10:30am in Fellowship Hall
Feb. 19
March 19
April 2
May 7
Coffee & bakery provided.
~ all welcome; bring a friend! ~

Chapel on the Beach

Every Sunday at 9 AM

Patriots’/Sunset Pier
on the corner of Avenida Messina
& Beach Road, at the flagpole
Bring a beach chair; meet at the pier for joyous music, scripture, homily, prayers & fellowship.

Coffee and bakery provided.
Invite a friend!

FREE SHUTTLE at 8:30am
from Siesta Key Chapel